Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh Dear, it's been a while. Again

(polaroid of a meadow we stumbled across at a local garden this weekend while out with family-isnt it lovely?)

Well, it's definitely summer! My how the definitition of summer changes when you're a "grown-up"!   Summer used to mean freedom, fun, sleeping late, staying up late, moonlit walks to the park, popsicles..slip-n-slides!! ah.. I do miss the slip-n-slides.

Now summer means...lots to do!  I think each weekend in July is "booked!"  and each weekday is filled with work...but you know, summer is still fun around here! All those booked weekends are filled with fun, friends, and wonderful family.   As  adults I feel like it's easy to pass off summer as just another season, but if we try super hard to get in touch with our kid side, every friday afternoon could feel like the last day of school! and every summer night can be treated with the same respect a 10 year old would treat it. bring on the popsicles, late night walks, swimming, bike rides, and grill-outs! its ok that i have to get up at 7 the next day :) Who knows, I may even go out and buy a where to put it at our apartment..hmm

another post coming soon....on redecorating...hopefully I actually follow through!!

have a BEAUTIFUL Monday!

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