This weekend we did many things. Cooking was not a big part of those many things....
Remember how excited I was about taco salad on Friday? I went to the store right after work, got everything we needed, made sure the kitchen was clean so we could start-a cookin' when E got home....and then we ended up getting pizza with a friend. Oops. Sorry beautiful, ripe, avocado! (don't worry, it lasted until last night!)
So that was friday.
Saturday, I went to the craft fair with a few friends from work - GREAT fun! Pics to follow. Lunch consisted of a teeny tiny $4 hamburger. mmm.....yuck
We did grill that night, that is..E grilled.
So that's home cooked meal #1 in 2 days - not cool, Holders.
E grilled up some rockin' chicken that he marinated in A1, worchestire, and...vegetable broth(?), rosemary potatoes, and the rest of our brussels sprouts...which sadly turned out a little too chewy.
But that's ok:)
They still look pretty :) |
Let's see.. Sunday, I woke up to bacon and french toast. Because my husband loves me.
Then we had an amazing dinner ( just a reminder, on Sundays thats lunch, yall) which consisted of TONS of chicken, roasted potatoes, purple hull peas, cornbread, macaroni and cheese, fresh peppers, and FRIED SQUASH. so good. I love sunday's at my parents house. Did I mention my Mamma's fried squash is ridiculously good?
SO good, y'all......
If you're wondering how she makes them, I'm pretty sure all she does is cut them into thick steak fry-like sticks, coats them in cornmeal, a little flour, salt and pepper, and then fries them in a cast iron pan. it's possible that she uses crisco to do this. Just like she makes fried okra. You think the woman would be much larger......
not so much.
My parents are so stinkin' cute. This is them after i said "act like you like each other!" |
Sunday night......we went down the street for sushi. Geez! Fail.
We did enjoy some lovely tea that morning before lunch at one of our favorite coffee shops,
Iron Horse Coffee Company
I had irish breakfast - E Had sushi house green..and then he bought me a whole box of pumpkin spice! <3 |
and that night we had a lovely chat by the fire pit ( did i just say lovely chat? wow.)
......and then we went out and bought fancy pasta. Because I had had a sample of {overpriced} homemade pasta at the craft fair and suddenly REALLY wanted some. It was amazing...but seriously, Cassie?? whatever. it was worth it.
..and that brings us to Monday night. Finally, the taco's!!
There's not much of a recipe for taco's. I mean taco's are taco's. right? Well just for fun, and for future reference for's what we piled into our taco salad bowls (which are amazing!)
*Ground beef seasoned to perfection by Mr Holder with who knows what...
*1/2 onion, 3 cloves chopped garlic,1 whole bell pepper, - all sauteed - in that order, of course
*black beans
*sliced avocado
*chopped cilantro
*sour cream
and with that we shared a banana pepper that we grew in our garden. Literally the only one all year...darn heat.
Oooh yeah. I gotta start taking pictures with my real camera instead of my phone....lazy. |
we <3 taco's!
and we love these taco shells-
They're so darn good its stupid! |
And super awesome craft fair finds!!! Don't be jealous..
Find #1 - LOVE this sign for Christmas. Honestly, I'd like to put it up now...but someone won't let me:P |
Finds # 2,3 & 4. The scarf is vintage and only cost me a dollar - the sweet little wooden guy was in a $4 "goodie bag" which consisted of a black seal...and a bunch of creepy animal-type things made of seashells....which i threw away because they freaked me out. and that super cool zebra - well- do i need to explain? he's adorable. hand made- only $11( fyi -he's wooden- not stuffed. ) I love my new friends:) |
#5. i mean, come on! It's a vintage suitcase ( complete with Hawaii sticker on the handle) with a lovely saying....oh, and also. it's a table. yes those legs are attached. I may paint them, but how unique! Only $35. |
And then there was this guy. sweetest little sunglass, visor wearin' pup ever. He belonged to this super cool army vet who now makes and guessed it- doggy sunglasses and visors. we saw SO many dogs with these on halfway through the day. it was awesome
So far, tonight's menu consists of that late-night pasta (garlic, parsley fettucini) most likely topped only with butter and olive oil because that's all it needs, maybe some garlic bread, and a vegetable. I'm thinking broccoli...but you never know! |
Happy Tuesday!